Mission Trip Application

We Are So Excited About Teaming Up With You In Doing God's Work! Please Fill Out The Questionnaire Below!

2/2 Mission Trip Full Application

Personal Information

Personal Information
Do you have a Canadian Passport?

If you do not have a Canadian Passport, you are responsible for obtaining (ie., visas, travel restrictions, etc.)

Do You Have A Canadian Passport
T-Shirt Size

Trip Information

Trip Information
Write in the country you would be travelling to.
If you are travelling with a team that you have selected, please provide their first and last names here. If you do not yet have a team selected and are applying solo, please put N/A below.

Church Affiliation

Church Affiliation

Secure Donation

Donation Pass

Other ways to donate

Cheque made out to CEO Ministries Inc. CEO Ministries Inc. R.P.O. Box 283, St. Vital, South, Manitoba, Canada R2N 3X9

we all hurt sometimes

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