Support Raising

Within CEOM, every team member, including our founder Terry Lewis, assumes the responsibility for covering their own financial needs. The primary source of funding typically stems from contributions made by friends, family, and supportive churches. In some cases, team members may also utilize personal savings, engage in part-time jobs, seek foreign employment, run small businesses, or even rely on pension income, particularly among our more experienced staff.


Whether you’re gearing up for a Missions Trip, recently joined CEOM and are in the process of raising financial support, or you’ve been a part of the CEOM community for a while and want to enhance your support network, we’ve got resources ready to assist you. Moreover, we suggest connecting with a supportive member on your CEOM team who can provide prayer support and help you stay on track with your support-raising goals.

The CEO Fundraising Guide

Our practical guide to help you raise money for a CEO Missions Trip

Trust God & Find Peace

In the eyes of God, every financial obligation and deadline is within His view, and He consistently meets our needs. Conquering financial anxiety entails immersing ourselves in biblical truths.

When embarking on the journey of raising funds, our first step is to place our trust in God as our ultimate provider and turn to Him for guidance. While we might contemplate sources like a generous relative, our church, or even a summer job as potential solutions, it’s essential to acknowledge that God’s plan may diverge from our initial ideas. The critical aspect is to approach God with humility, earnestly seeking His counsel and faithfully following the path He lays before us.

Philippians 4:18-19 serves as a powerful reminder that I am not just provided for, but I am abundantly blessed beyond measure. The gifts sent by Epaphroditus are a pleasing offering to God, and as a beautiful exchange, God promises to generously meet all our needs from His infinite riches through Christ Jesus.

In Psalm 121, we discover profound reassurance in seeking help. While we may glance up at the towering mountains and wonder if our help can be found there, we are reminded that our ultimate help comes from the Lord, the Creator of heaven and earth. He stands ever vigilant, never resting, and ensures that we do not falter. The Lord is our unwavering protector, shielding us from harm and watching over every facet of our lives. His constant, watchful care accompanies us on our journeys, both in the present moment and for all eternity.

Build Friendships Not a Business

The devoted supporters who generously invest their time and resources into our mission deserve more than just financial transactions; they deserve genuine friendship. Their commitment is not merely about funding but is a partnership in spreading the Gospel together.

To honor their dedication, it’s crucial to maintain regular communication, offer prayers for God’s blessings upon them, and show a sincere interest in their lives. As these friendships grow deeper, the process of raising support becomes a more enjoyable and fulfilling experience for everyone involved.

This approach aligns with how Jesus and His disciples lived their lives, as seen in Luke 8:1–3: “Soon afterward Jesus began a tour of the nearby towns and villages, preaching and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom of God….Among them were….Herod’s business manager; Susanna; and many others who were contributing from their own resources to support Jesus and his disciples.”

Meet In Person, talk on the Phone, Send an email

Studies have revealed that when it comes to fundraising, meeting people in person, sharing your personal story, and making a direct request for financial support significantly boost the likelihood of receiving donations. Following this, engaging in phone conversations proves to be quite effective, with personal emails and text messages also carrying weight.

Conversely, mass emails and social media posts are less successful in generating donations. Personal connections and individual invitations are vital in the world of successful fundraising. Reflect on your own experiences—how often have you donated to a cause without a personal invitation?

To maximize your fundraising efforts, make it a priority to engage in personal interactions and directly appeal to potential donors. Building personal relationships and making specific requests greatly enhance the chances of receiving the financial support you need.

Do The Hard Work

Create a List of Names:
  • Open Google Sheets or Excel.
  • Make a comprehensive list of everyone you know, including teachers, your dentist, school friends, family members, and your parent’s friends.
  • Gather the email addresses and phone numbers of each person on the list.
  • Aim for at least 200 names.

Order the List and Start with the Easiest Contacts:
  • In another column, assign a number (1, 2, or 3) to each person on the list.
  • The ones marked as “1” are the easiest to approach, while the “3”s may feel a bit more challenging.
  • When you begin reaching out, start with the “1”s.

Send a Short Message and Gauge Interest:
  • Reach out with a brief message to see if people are open to hearing about your needs.

Here’s an example message you could use to kick things off:
  • “Hey David, how are things? Have you heard of CEO? It’s a mission organization I just signed up for. I’ve got a pretty crazy project ahead of me. Would you be interested in hearing about what I’m doing and the support I’ll need?”

Prepare Your Story and “The Ask”:
  • Dedicate time to crafting your story and refining your request for support.
  • Write an “ask email” that communicates why people should consider supporting you.
  • This email will serve as your template for conversations and messages.

Following these steps will help you systematically approach potential supporters and make your fundraising efforts more organized and effective.
Some Tips To Writing A Support Request​

  • Consider your audience and their passions. When talking to your grandma, emphasize how CEO will change your life. But with your church, focus on how CEO empowers you to share the gospel.
  • Be upfront about your intention to request financial support. Begin your email with something like, “Hey, I’m putting together a support team for CEO, and I thought you might want to be part of it. Let me share the story!”
  • Boost your credibility by sharing some key facts about CEO. For example, it operates in over 10 countries, supporting various projects, and currently provides daily meals for over 1000 people.
  • Highlight the profound impact you’ll have. While your grandma might be motivated by how CEO affects your life, many are eager to invest in causes that make a difference. Imagine this: you’ll be in a different country, spreading love, healing the sick, and lifting burdens. It’s a cause that resonates with people of all ages.
  • Present a clear request and allow them space to respond. After expressing your heartfelt message, explain your financial need straightforwardly, saying something like, “I need to raise $3,000 to join CEO. Would you consider contributing to this?” Then, patiently await their response.
  • Prepare for the potential question, “How can I give?” Provide clear instructions for making a donation, whether it’s online, by check, or in cash. You might also mention that their contribution is for missions, making it tax-deductible. And don’t fret; if you’re a staff member, their donations are also tax-deductible.

Follow Up, Follow Up, Follow Up!

Life is busy, it’s easy for things to slip our minds. Persistence is key, so keep following up until you receive a definitive response, even if it’s a “no.” Typically, it takes about three follow-up emails after making your initial request to get a response from people. (This is one of the reasons why meeting in person can be more effective!)

Here’s an example of a follow-up email you can use: “Hey David, I wanted to check in and see if you had a chance to consider my support email. Please let me know when you can. Thanks!”

Keep People Updated

Your supporters deserve to see the impact of their investment. They want to know how their contributions have made a difference.

When crafting an update, ask yourself this critical question: “Why would my supporters want to read this? What value do they get from it? So what?” Here are two examples to illustrate the difference:

Bad Example (self-centered):

“Hey guys, this mission was awesome! I made so many friends. After outreach, we all went to the beach. We each shared our stories and got really connected. The work was life-changing, and I gained so much revelation about Jesus. I’m having a great time. Thanks again for helping me get here!”

Good Example (supporter-centered):

“Hey, in such a short time, we’ve accomplished a lot. Here’s a link to a blog containing stories of the impact we’ve made. I was truly amazed to witness the powerful work of God in other countries. It has deepened my faith. Thank you for your investment in the work we’re doing at CEO. God is moving mightily in the nations!”

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we all hurt sometimes

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